Simple robotics project ideas for beginners

1. Brushbot Boogie: Transform old toothbrushes into dancing brushbots powered by vibrating motors. Customize them with markers, straws, and googly eyes, and watch them zip and zoom in races or obstacle courses.

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2. Light-Following Line Follower: Build robots that chase after light using photocells and simple motors

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3.Waving Hand with Servos: Learn the basics of servo motors by building a waving hand robot. Use cardboard, popsicle sticks, and a few servos

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4. Strawbots: Bendy and Fun: Discover the world of pneumatics with strawbots! Connect straws with tape, inflate them with balloons, and watch them walk, twist, and even dance.

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5. Code & Conquer with Microcontrollers: Dive into the world of programming with microcontrollers like Arduino.

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6. Cardboard Critters: Let your imagination run wild with cardboard and recycled materials. Build whimsical robots like walking dinosaurs, flapping butterflies, or even robotic pets, powered by simple mechanisms and creativity.

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7. Paper Circuits Power Up!: Learn the magic of conductive tape and batteries to create simple paper circuits that light up LEDs or power small motors.

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