7 science fair  ideas for 6th graders

1. The Mystery of Germs: Dive into the invisible world of germs! Design an experiment to test different surfaces, handwashing techniques, or even the effectiveness of homemade hand sanitizers

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2. The Science of Slime:  Experiment with different ingredients like glue, borax, and food coloring to create different textures, colors, and even bouncy slime!

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3. The Rainbow in a Glass: Witness the magic of chromatography! Separate the colors in ink, markers, or even leaves using a simple paper towel and water experiment.

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4. The Power of Plants: Become a plant whisperer! Design an experiment to test how different factors like sunlight, water, and temperature affect plant growth.

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5. The Race to the Finish: Get your gears turning! Design and build a miniature car powered by rubber bands, balloons, or even solar energy.

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6. The Sounds of Science: Make sound waves visible! Create a simple experiment to demonstrate the relationship between sound waves and vibrations

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7.  The Chemical Kitchen: Transform your kitchen into a science lab! Experiment with simple chemical reactions like baking soda volcanoes, elephant toothpaste, or color-changing solutions using everyday ingredients

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