7 Amazing science exhibition working models ideas

1. Hydraulic Hand: Show off the power of fluid pressure with a robotic hand controlled by syringes and hoses. Make it grab objects, wave hello, or even play rock-paper-scissors!

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2. Hovercraft Magic: Defy gravity with a mini hovercraft! Use recycled materials, a fan, and some cardboard to create a levitating masterpiece that demonstrates air pressure in action

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3. Rainbow Refraction Rainbow: Unravel the secrets of light with a mesmerizing prism model. Split white light into its vibrant spectrum, showcasing refraction and creating a captivating visual feast.

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4. Musical Marshmallow Mayhem: Make science sing! Build a circuit that plays tunes when you touch marshmallows arranged on a conductive grid. Learn about circuits, conductivity, and maybe even get a delicious snack out of it!

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5. Erupting Volcano Explosions: Relive the thrill of ancient eruptions with a mini volcano that spews "lava" (baking soda and vinegar mixtures, of course).

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6. Solar-Powered Mini-City: Harness the sun's energy to power a miniature eco-city! Create solar panels, build tiny LED houses, and watch them light up as the sun shines, demonstrating renewable energy in action.

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7. Paper Plane Aerodynamics: Take flight with a science twist! Design and build paper planes with different wing shapes and test their aerodynamic properties

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